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Our institute is a secondary vocational school called «IIS F. ORIOLI» and it is situated in Viterbo and in Tuscania. Viterbo is the main city of the area and Tuscania is a smaller town nearby in the centre of Italy, about 90 km from Rome.

IIS F.Orioli represents a high value resource for its territory. Its structure has several educational path embracing many of the aspects of the modern work market. Our students receive update education connected with the modern professional required skills through the use of many didactic laboratories and activities. The legal education project adopted by all the teachers and students stresses our strong aim to fight against all kind of "mafia" organizations.

All our activities enrich the training offer providing enduring interaction  among students, teachers and other professional figures operating in our school.

The main aims of the “IIS Orioli” are:

  • Consider the student as the central element of the relation teaching/learning

  • Innovative teaching

  • Drop out prevention.

  • Teachers, students and families involvement.

  • Build networks of schools.


We are one hundred twenty teachers with nine hundred ninety seven students from fourteen to nineteen. Most of our students have a particular difficult social economic situation. We also have fifty students with special needs followed by a special team of nineteen teachers. The Italian pupils often come from families with poor means, they are interested in learning a manual profession so they can work as soon as they get off the secondary school and almost nobody attends university.

In our school there are several courses:

  • Art school

  • Health and social services

  • Businees management

  • Fashion courses

  • Electronics

  • Evening course accountants programmers for adults

 IIS F.Orioli - Italy 

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